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Monday 3 March 2014

[FANACC] 140301 TVXQ - MBC Music Core Post-recording

[FANACC] 140301 TVXQ - MBC Music Core Post-recording

  • Set is LED background of hearts, diamonds, clubs, & spades. Gold TVXQ letters. Reusing lit up cards & boxes from this morning
  • (Why TVXQ doing a post-recording) Because they wont come to one of their scheduled MuCore perfs so they need to record it early ^^
  • Post rec last exactly 1 hr and 11 takes. The boys were breathing really hard and seemed to sweat more than normal.
  • Dancers wore black lace & leather outfits. Had shiny silver gloves.
  • Boys were in brown pinstripe suits. Whn hey first came out, I thot the suits were black but when the light hit them I cld see they were brwn
  • YH had a white shirt with black & white plaid tie. He had a red & white flower in his jacket lapel
  • CM had a black shirt, white tie w color polka dots (looks like same one YH wore earlier). He had a red kerchief on his arm & jacket pocket
  • YH asked whos been streaming on Melon. He then asked us to please stream on Melon and youtube to get views up
  • Then YH talked about how thankful he was to the Bestie fans earlier that day & talked to Bestie personally.
  • He then asked to support Bestie & we told him that we did. We stayed for their prerec & cheered for them. YH said "Oh~! Thank you"
  • YH then talked about he was like grandfather among idols these days. We screamed No~!
  • Then he bent his legs & grnted a bit. He told us that 수리수리 is more exhausting than Something.
  • B4 take 1, YH & CM looked thru the 수리수리 cards & picked the ones they wanted. Yunho narrated the ones he picked-- twoshinki, stage pic, etc
  • When the boys got the cards they wanted as props, they got in position, & YH said "We're ready" & we screamed
  • Takes 1 & 2 were almost full run-throughs. They played the song all the way thru to keep the perf flow but only filmed some scenes
  • Take 1, during trumpet scene, CM found out he had 2 cards instead of 1. He flicked the extra card twd the table b4 the camera turned to him
  • Take 1, during the trumpet scene, CM cutely ruffled his hair
  • After take 1, CM immediately headed backstage. YH stayed on the table trying to get his breathing under control
  • Then YH went bckstge. When he came back on stage he was lightly practicing some hand motions & sang a note
  • When he & CM go into position sitting on the table, YH said please stream our song many times on Melon. ^^
  • In take 2, when CM did the turn around the table in the beginning his ring went flying off over the table
  • After the take was cut, CM went up to the front of the stage and apologized to us.
  • He was so apologetic! He explained his ring flew off & he thought it flew into the audience. He asked if everyone was okay
  • We reassured him that we were fine & we told him it flew twd the table area on stage. CM was so worried about us. Aww~
  • CM & dancers tried looking but cldnt find it. CM seemed annoyed/embarrassed that it happened. He mumbled smthng snarky ^^
  • When CM walked around the stage looking for th ring, his expression was like a lost child. He would walk around, stop & sigh deeply
  • Then CM went bckstge and put his arm on the wall & leaned his head on his arm. The coordi came and wiped his sweat off.
  • Im sure CM felt so sorry to the coordis bc theyre the ones who hv to take care of those kinds of things. Such a cutie~
  • YH told him it was okay. Then CM repeated that its fine, but it sounded as if he was trying to reassure himself
  • Take 3 was a retake of CMs solo at the beginning at the poker table. YH jus climbed onto the table when they yelled cut
  • After take 3, 4~6 coordis were on the stage looking for the ring but they still cldnt find it
  • When the boys & dancers came back on the stage, they all reorganized the cards for the beginning part
  • Take 4 and 5 were close ups with cameraman on stage. Take 4 was cut early before the dancing part.
  • Take 5 was from the beg until CM threw the cards. He did a cute motion with his fingers. YH had great smirky expressions
  • Take 6 was a close up of YHs with 3 girls. After the take, the cameraman made an ok sign into the lens Haha~
  • While the boys were waiting for the camera staff, YH asked who fans were here with us. He said "Ah! Shinee!"
  • Then he talked about how Minho & Changmin are friends. Then he talked a bit about Kyuline.
  • Takes 7~9 was of CMs solo trumpet scene. YH waited at the front of the stage to join in at the chorus.
  • YH then again tried to make friends with other fandoms & mentioned that hes excited for Shinees con in March
  • Cassies got a little upset & asked when we were getting a concert. YH had to say many times that they need time to plan & asked us to wait
  • We said YH was cute. YH said Am I cute? Its scary when fans say Im cute. Cassies were like WHY?! Youre cute! CM snickers in the bckgrnd
  • During take 8, CM made a mistake with the cards. When he appeared from behind the camera, he had a very sheepish expression
  • He then imitated what he did and it looked like his hands were very shaky. Aww~ I wonder if CM was still flustered from the ring thing ㅠ_ㅠ
  • Then YH said our dancers are great right? YH asked us to give them a hand. Some fans said best! Some said unnie are pretty!
  • Before take 9, Yunho said "Fighting" many times. He would say "Fighting" and we would say "Fighting" back. But we going back & forth. Haha~
  • YH sang the "You match your steps with me..." verse and it was perfect and so pretty.
  • Take 9 was a good take. They went smoothly from CMs trumpet scene to the 2nd chorus
  • The boys seem to hv a lot of affection for this song. Always singing along and dancing little bits during standby
  • Take 10 and 11 are from the 2nd chorus til the end. Before CMs magic trick scene, he put his hands on his knees and breathed heavily
  • Before take 11, YH plugged CM's song Heaven's Day. He asked us to give it lots of love and CM looked happy.
  • Take 11 (last~!) CM grabbed his tie going into the last chorus
  • Take 11-- right b4 his magic trick scene, his hair was sweaty and it kept falling into his eyes. He had to push it to the side many times
  • PD finally called ok! YH came to the front and thanked Shinee fans, asked us to applaud the camera staff, and thanked all the Cassies
  • YH did "We are...!!!" T!!!! again
  • CM looked like he wanted to say smthng but YH said it all so CM just sang a Shinee song very expressively closed eyes, hand on heart. Cutie!

  • When TVXQ appeared, TVXQ greeted the fans and went "This is the time to stream on Melon!!" Yunho said that when he had the time today, he streamed the song 4 times, but he just found out that streaming a few times in an hour will result in only 1 time being reflected for that hour, so he was devastated... Yunho said that whenever he has time, he will stream it once and then also watch the video on Youtube too. Yunho then went, "Please listen a lot to the song on Melon! This song is a good song..." [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • Yunho went, "Most of you here are those who came in the morning too right?" and again spoke about the male Bestie fans. He said that he personally met with Bestie and thanked them. And he also told the fans to cheer for Bestie. [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • At the end of the 2nd round of recordings, Changmin's ring was tossed away, and he worriedly asked the standing fans if they were hit on the head. And then he said as if grumbling, "I won't wear the ring!" Yunho said that it's okay, there are 2 rings and Changmin went, "one of them is on stage, and the other one has flown to the fans' side". Then after that Changmin stared intently at one side of the seats to look for his ring. [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • Both of them perspired a lot. Yunho said that this is about 2.5 times more tiring than #Something, but this is for the sake of a even cooler performance. [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • Yunho asked if there were any people present who were not their fans. There were fans of SHINee's Minho and Yunho said to them, "You guys will cheer for us too right?" and went, "Because we have been around for 10 years, we know that one will receive as much as how much one gives", giving encouragement to the fans to support them. [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • Yunho suddenly praised SHINee's balloons, "As everybody already knows, Minho is part of the Kyuline. Although I don't know why this is so, this is SM's golden line right! Minho is a friend who will do well in the future!" [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • And Yunho then suddenly started promoting SHINee's concert which will happen soon. So Cassiopeia went, "what about us???" Yunho replied, "This is also something I want to do (ie holding a concert). But instead of doing things sloppily, it's better to do it well, isn't it. We will do it (have a concert) someday!!" [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • Yunho said "concerts? fan meetings? there will most probably be those, we will see how things work out and do well for everybody, please wait for us" [cr: tvxqyoonmin]
  • When Cassiopeia asked when TVXQ would have their concert, Yunho said "We will have all of that, believe in oppa! If we don't prepare well, it definitely wouldn't be acceptable so believe in us and wait for us" [cr: tvxqyoonmin]
  • After losing his ring, Changmin immedately became depressed. [cr: tvxqyoonmin]
  • Yunho said that the female dancers are pretty and the dancers beside him then gave the thumbs up hahaha. Then he went, "You guys say I am pretty?" and the fans went wild and went "Oppa is pretty, handsome and cute". Yunho then said that he doesn't really prefer words like he is cute haha [cr: tvxqyoonmin]
  • At Changmin's solo part, the camera did a close up of just his face so the fans who saw the screen screamed and Changmin got shy haha. Changmin said that his hands were trembling and when he lost the cards, he felt like it was such a pity ㅠㅠ [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • At the end while he was leaving, Changmin sang 2 verses of SHINee's fan song "Shinee World" while walking off haha. [cr: tvxqtohoeternal]
  • Perhaps it was because Changmin's hands were sweating, when the camera was shooting the part where he stuck out the cards, the cards fell out of his hands and he was embarrassed and kept laughing. [cr: 0206yhken]
  • After losing his ring, Changmin's soul seemed to have left him and he was just dazed and his line of sight was fixated on the bottom of the stage while on standby. Yunho went "Please listen a lot to Changminnie's Heaven's Day" and then Changmin immediately smiled brightly and Yunho also smiled funnily♥ [cr: 0206yhken]
  • After Yunho spoke about other fans, Minho and Kyuline etc, perhaps he was embarrassed about it and said, "Why am I talking about irrelevant stuff?" hahahha [cr: 0206yhken]
  • Yunho said that #수리수리 is 2.5 times more difficult and tiring than #Something and said that looking at #수리수리, it would seem to make a good diet programme hahahahaha [cr: 0206yhken]
  • Before starting, both of them were choosing the cards and went, "A, give me A" (the A card) and "Even so, the fact that there are 2 of that, isn't that great?" [cr: janedoeslave]
  • A guy was looking at them and Yunho thought the guy said that he was cute, so Yunho went "I'm cute??", and the guy went "No, I said you're / it's scary" hahahahahaha [cr: whiteline26]
  • When Yunho was talking about Melon at the start, he said "If we are talking about idols, we are about "grandfather" standard" haha. After he said the "grandfather standard" words, Changmin, who was at the back choosing his cards, suddenly looked at Yunho and his facial expression was... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ cute! [cr: yoon__min]

Source: figmagination + as tagged
Translated by: mug_ping 1,2
Shared by: DBSKnights


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