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Monday 3 March 2014

[NEWS] 140303 JYJ Donates 50 Million Won Earned from Auction

[NEWS] 140303 JYJ Donates 50 Million Won Earned from Auction

Taking everything they earned from an auction, the JYJ members donated 50 million won to various facilities.

On March 3, C-JeS Entertainment stated, “In June, JYJ held the 2013 JYJ Membership Week, were 13 art pieces from the JYJ gallery were auctioned off. A total of 50 million won were earned during the auction and were donated to different welfare facilities as necessary goods.”

The facilities included institutions for children, the disabled, and the elderly.

“The JYJ Gallery was something that was created so we can have special memories with the fans. We’re glad that the artwork that we created went to the fans and the proceeds to those who need them most,” said JYJ. “With the auction proceeds and additional funds gathered up by the company staff, were able to donate needed goods and begin the year with a happy start.”

C-JeS Entertainment also added that Japanese fans donated to World Vision Japan to protect young children, and the donations will be used for another meaningful campaign.

Credits: MWave
Shared by: DBSKnights


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